Regional Valley Agenda Lithuania
The results of regional analysis and activities will be fixed in a local valley agenda to serve as a regional guideline. The local valley agenda will be presented at the International Eco4Life meetings and discussed with International Advisory Board in the frame of the BSR strategy. It will also contain recommendations for a future regional supporting measures. The agenda is supposed to be fixed as a formal agreement by a regional consortium that unites administration, politics, academic research, entrepreneurs and companies. With the regular exchange of experiences between the
partner hidden obstacles in one region could be solved by learning from best practise in the other regions.
1. Introduction Life Science and Cleantech
Our vision
By using Eco4Life project facilities recognize, invite and encourage the relevant Ecology and Life Sciences organizations, both from academy and business society, together with local authority to participate in the develop of green healthcare cluster in Lithuanian Pomeranian Region in accordance with triple helix principles (Ranga, 2013). In order to reach the aim, activities such as development of entrepreneurship under Cross Border Cooperation, strengthening cross-sectorial, collaborative, open innovation cooperation in ecology, health and life sciences in general for establishing sustainable, cost-efficient, citizen-centric health systems is planning to carry out. The contribution to regional economies and improvement to the environment, health, wellbeing and prosperity for European South Baltic area is going to be made.
In line with Eco4Life project aims to exploit the new opportunities of the region that could be employed to development of region bioeconomy. Based on the current total cluster competence to establish an international network of Eco4Life that promotes environmental and life sciences-based business and the economy of the South Baltic region and thus help to catch up with the leading regions in the North. Establish centers (contact points) support links and collaborations with scientists and experts, business and government institutions, which enable the efficient sharing and transfer of knowledge and information, and to unite the region's academic, financial and human resources, as well as to achieve the critical mass necessary for global competitiveness.
Project partners
The project partners are from Greifswald (Germany), Szczecin (Poland) and Klaipeda (Lithuania) regions which have high potential for the promotion of knowledge of available commercial use of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Each of partners has specific knowledge, experience and expertise and can provide their best practices in the region.
Partner from Lithuania
Klaipeda University (KU) is a higher education institution and carries out scientific research. KU was founded in 1991 so Klaipeda University today enters into third decade of existence. It is the only structurally full-rate university in a large part of Western Lithuania, where a perspective industrial and commercial potential is rallied, where marine complex is developed and distinctive cultural traditions are cherished. Dominants in the University are trends in scientific researches, artistic activity and academic activities, which are not cultivated by other Lithuanian universities. It develops as an autonomous and modern scientific and study center.
The Department of Ecology is part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Math. It is responsible for the education and researches in ecology and environment. The unit concentrates on environmental pollution evaluation, coastal zone management, and environmental impact assessment. Life sciences and entrepreneurship is not yet KU´s priority. The University decided to launch Health Sciences Faculty 10 years ago and successfully established medical technology and public health departments among another six. These departments professionals took part in some Eco4Life project events as well. KU sees the necessity in international and cross border co-operation and the need in networking with experts in science, administration and business for bio economic development in the region.
Life Science in Lithuania
Lithuania’s life sciences industry has been skyrocketing over the last two decades and is now regarded as one of the most advanced in Central and Eastern Europe, demonstrating 22% annual growth within the biotechnology and pharmaceutical research and production sector, and over 80% of the production being exported. The success of Lithuanian biotechnology industry starts with the well-developed educational system involving 16 academic institutions and 15 most competent R&D centers. With the pool of 18 000 researchers and specialists and over 100 companies operating in the life sciences area, the country is on the fast track of becoming one of the top high tech innovation centers in Europe. To support this, 400 mln EUR investments into five research valleys is secured by the Government of Lithuania. One of the Valley, exactly, Marine Valley was founded in Klaipeda under the supervision of the KU. Until present time, Vilnius and Kaunas were very active in biotech area of life sciences, but not Pomeranian part of Lithuania.
The green hospital concept
Since 1992 Rio de Janeiro at the World Summit on Sustainable Development provides the main provisions of the global spread of harmonious development of society worldview that continues to this day. Environmental, economic and social development - these are the main components forming the concept of sustainable development. They are the basis of drawing attention to the conservation of natural resources, waste management problems and quality of life.
Institutions, companies and organizations are closely related to the environment and its resources. Today, the long-term success of the organization depends on how they are able to integrate harmoniously into the environment and feel the stakeholder social sentiment.
Environmental programs, management systems in organizations - is one of the ways to issues such as interring competitiveness and innovation to sustainable development strategy.
In various countries, hospitals are constantly increasing theirs input to environmental protection which connects to “green hospital” status. Health care institutions have to cope with various challenges in order to meet environmental and economic requirements of the same level. At the time in the world practice in order to “green” status of the implementation of the hospital is widely used in a range of measures - a passive resource conservation programs, facilities and equipment renovation. Although the initial investment is higher for renovations, it was shown that, “green hospital” to reduce further, long-term resources, energy and waste management costs. In addition, there is growing consensus that medical institutions should reduce their emissions. However, in Lithuania, “green hospital” ideas only hovering in the air, this practice is not yet implemented. Hospitals are not yet fully developed environmentally friendly management. The main objectives of the hospital to declare statutes related to the Pomeranian part of Lithuanian population health improvement in morbidity and mortality. But it is not enough attention to the effective environmental management system implementation in the hospitals.
2. Quantitative and qualitative survey on regional competencies
Pomeranian part of Lithuania has unique opportunity to join for the fresh created by EU South Baltic Program Eco4Life project network. This network is aimed to help Region population to participate in knowledge and information exchange in Life Sciences and Clean Technology fields. Lithuanian staff of Eco4Life project actively has disseminated invitations to Lithuanian economic activities participants. More than 1032 invitations were sent to researchers, businessmen and administration of Pomeranian Region of Lithuania. Due to the very beginning stage of involving Region population to new type of communication, people were carefully reacting to possibility for collaboration through online and even alive network. The structure of Lithuanian regional competences is the following:
Source: Eco4Life LifeScience and Clean Tech directory
3. SWOT analysis
The conclusions of the market analysis which reflect the needs of Klaipeda region hospitals as they were ascertained during the analysis. The list of needs according to their implementation necessity was drawn, taking into account their mean and future time importance and feasibility.
Need |
Scope |
Importance and possibilities |
Motivation* |
Now |
Future |
1. Hospital informing |
All hospitals |
2. Hazardous medical waste converters |
2–3 converters |
3. Energy-saving technologies (motion and presence sensors, light bulbs) |
All hospitals |
Source: Market analysis of implementation of sustainable solutions in Klaipeda region hospitals
A total of three different alternatives of hospital sustainability achievement were worked out. Having analysed the economic, social and environmental aspects of these alternatives, the most suitable alternative is selected to Klaipeda region hospitals - Optimal investment alternative.
An optimal investment alternative envisages increasing hospital moving towards sustainability in the region not only as a result of joint measures implemented in all hospitals (small investment alternative) but also due to individually selected solutions for each hospital. The implemented measures are cost-effective and recoupable, they increase "green attitude" and improve the environmental and social situation. This alternative comes in a different form for each hospital. Modifications of the alternative with a motivation for each hospital are presented in the in-depth analysis part.
Table below presents the SWOT analysis of Regional Valley Agenda based on optimal alternatives of investments
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Opportunities |
Threats |
Source: Market analysis of implementation of sustainable solutions in Klaipeda region hospitals
4. Evaluation of market study and workshop results
The objective of analysis
To establish the current sustainability situation in the sectors of energy consumption, waste and wastewater management in Klaipeda region hospitals, to assess the external impacts on sustainability in Klaipeda region hospitals, to present proposals and measures for the purpose of achieving sustainability development in Klaipeda region hospitals.
The purpose of the analysis
To present Klaipeda University (hereinafter – the Contracting Authority) information on the sustainability situation in Klaipeda region hospitals and, taking into account the existing external factors, to present proposals for further increase of hospital sustainability.
The scope of analysis.
The analysis is conducted in 16 hospitals in Western Lithuania (in the counties of Klaipeda, Taurage and Telsiai). The list of the analysed hospitals was compiled by Klaipeda University. The regional situation is evaluated by everyone hospital "green" aspects development. The figure below presents the geographical distribution of hospitals within the territory of Lithuania.
Source: Market analysis of implementation of sustainable solutions in Klaipeda region hospitals
The summary of the detailed review of the analyzed hospitals in Western Lithuania*
Building heating
ü The majority of hospitals (13 out of 16) receive heating energy from district heating supplier. This type of heat is produced at polluting heat production plants by burning natural gas or fuel oil.
ü All hospitals pay for heat under individual counting system of heat energy consumption and can regulate building heating quality in the hospital.
ü Hospitals that underwent building renovation are equipped with automatic heat control systems and heating regulators in wards.
Electricity consumption
ü All hospitals are paid attention to the cheapest solutions of energy consumption and as result are equipped with minimum energy-efficient appliances – energy-saving light bulbs.
ü Motion-activated light switches are installed in some areas of the building (basement, court, at the entrances) in some hospitals.
Renewable energy sources
ü None of the analyzed hospitals have RES generating devices such as solar collectors, wind turbines etc.
ü Some of the hospitals are looking for opportunities to install RES plants (photovoltaic solar cells). However, installation of such plants so far has been hindered by a lack of funds and funding, as well as by shortfall of information and benefits.
Waste management
ü The majority of the analyzed hospitals indicated that they have been carrying out household waste separation (mainly paper and plastics). Non-separating hospitals do not do it due to a lack of information or the absence of a possibility (no waste separation bins available).
ü The major hospitals have their own hazardous medical waste decontamination devices (microwave devices, autoclaves), while smaller hospitals leave medical waste exportation to a specialized contracted company.
Wastewater management
ü None of the analyzed hospitals indicated that it had special wastewater filtration or treatment plants and inspected wastewater quality.
ü Full responsibility for hospital wastewater management falls on municipal companies engaged in wastewater collection and treatment, but theirs efforts are not sufficient due to the absence of the legal requirements.
*Analysis of each hospital is provided in the in-depth analysis.
5. Recommendations for regional development
- The Eco4Life project created a systematic training methodology and tools that allow increasing entrepreneurship and cross-sectorial competences of the final beneficiaries of the project: The training needs for institutions and SMEs were upraised by questionnaires in advance, the curriculum tailored fitting to the community needs.
- According the application form, the regular update of training module after the project in accordance with local, regional and international needs is planned in line with sustainability principles would foster a systematic and periodic exchange of the experiences, know-how and methodologies.
- The training unit in the Eco4Life project was dedicated to “Green Hospital DIN-ISO certification”. Technical tools as Online-training participation and multiple Choice questionnaires were tested and evaluated for cross-border and online training.
- For prospective and healthy BSHR the continuation of Green Hospital pilot project implementation is needed
- In order to reduce a hospital impact to environment the hazard, unsorting waste and sewage management system should be organize in safety and economical way
- ISO 14000 series standard installation at a hospital helps to contribute for sustainable Regional development
- Based on BSR innovation platform, the model for identification and organizing of Region SMEs skills and competences application to solve hospital’s economic, social and contamination issues should be proposed
- Proposed model implementation
Eco4Life Contact Point Klaipeda,
December 2013