MBP Medical Biomaterail Products
MBP, Medical Biomaterial Products is a successor company of the pharmaceutical area of the VEB leather factory Neustadt-Glewe.
The decisive breakthrough of the VEB leather factory Neustadt-Glewe came on the 25th November 1980 with the start of production of "XENODERM", a sterile dressing to cover burns. In 1984 collagen fleece was added, approved to be used for medical purposes in 1986.
The pharmaceutical area of the leather factory “August Apfelbaum” was taken over by MBP in 1994.
Since then, the MBP GmbH has pursued the objective of continuing with the production of collagen and Xenoderm made of porcine skin, and to research and develop new medical products and implement their commercial production.
In order to implement the project, a new building with the most modern production facilities has been erected on the site of the former leather factory.
The plant meets all the current requirements of the German Medical Devices Law.
Main product fields in regenerative medicine
- Burn and temporary skin replacement
- Hernia repair
- Chronic wound repair
Lederstraße 7
19306 Neustadt-Glewe
phone: 0049 38757 5090 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
fax: 0049 38757 50915
E-Mail: info@mbp-gmbh.de
Web: www.mbp-gmbh.de