South Baltic ClinTrial Network
South Baltic ClinTrial Network is a special interest group, consisting of clinical trial centers of university hospitals, practices with clinical trial units, and SME service provider for (pre)clinical services from Germany, Poland, and Lithuania (project partners in the EU South Baltic Region project Eco4Life), collaborating with institutions from the Northern Baltic Sea.
The aim of the South Baltic ClinTrial Network is to develop tools and a common transregional approach for the conduct of international clinical trials in the whole Baltic Sea Region, according to the policy of the ScanBalt flagship project "Baltic Sea Health Region" as part of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy.
ScanBalt is a leading network of clusters, universities, companies and public authorities working within life sciences to promote the Baltic Sea Region as a globally competitive Green Valley and Health region. In 2013, the “Clinical Research Working Group” of Scanbalt was formed, with the South Baltic ClinTrail Network as founding member. The South Baltic ClinTrial Network is coordinated by BioCon Valley®, the central contact for life science and health economy in North Eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). The federal state is closely linked to emerging health economies in Poland and the Baltics, as well as to the dynamic Medtech region in the North of the Baltic Sea.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with its expertise in community medicine (Univerisity Greifswald) and disease prevention (Univeristy Rostock, Univeristy of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg) is supposed to become pilot region for personalized medicine, including the emerging topic of gender medicine. Within the initiative, partners intend to develop common approaches for the conduct of clinical trials and for patient recruitment, including pediatriac and orphan indications (“Baltic Apheresis Working Group”).
Find further information on the Network website
A LinkedIn Group Baltic ClinTrial Network (South) was founded to enabble discussions between the cluster members.
BioCon Valley_GxP Incubator
Within the Masterplan 2020 for to promote health economy in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the establishment of an GxP incubator was proposed.
The GxP Inucbator contains the following modules.
GLP-/DIN-ISO-Inkubator Services for preclinical development in Biotechnology and medical technologies as
Screening (Status of facilities for GLP-, DIN- ISOBiocompability testing);
Consolidation of public and private services with on QA label, inlcuding gap-analysis for complet GLP-, and DIN-ISO-Modules;
Feasability of missing modules for GLP, DIN-ISO)
GCP-Inkubator Services for clinical development in biotechnology and medical technologies as
Study support, general consultancy
Training for study personnel
Central QM-System, Project management, Monitoring
GMP-Inkubator Services for active ingredient manufacturing for biotechnology
Set-Up of Pilot Fermentation for joint use and GMP analytics according best practices in the Baltic Sea region (as Turku region)
BioCon Valley will coordinate the activities of the GxP incubator, including the GCP/Clinical trial Network.
Contact: Birgit Pscheidl,
The International Hereditary Cancer Center (IHCC) claims for a success story in turning science into business by the spin-off of a scientific team of the PUM to a Polish stock-quoted company, READGene S.A. READ-GENE SA is a company of innovative technologies, which aim is to commercialize methods of detection, prevention and treatment of the most common types of malignant tumours. The company’s special fields are chemoprevention, clinical trials and genetic testing, all complementary fields.
In chemoprevention natural and synthetic substances are applied to stop, revert or delay the cancer process. Chemoprevention is one of Read-Gene’s main field. In order to keep its prevention programme on a possibly natural level, the company has developed the Programme at Read-Gene Diet, in which patients are given food with dosaged microelements and vitamins.
The object of clinical trials is to ascertain whether a drug, preparation or technology is effective and safe. Read-Gene offers clinical trials to companies, mainly from the medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and biotechnological branches.What is ground-breaking in this programme is the fact that it focuses on patients with a defined genetic profile. In two clinical trials cycles commissioned by pharmaceutical firms Read-Gene managed to recruit the largest number of patients worldwide, for which the company received commendation letters.
Klaipeda Univeristy, Faculty of health Sciences
Klaipeda Univeristy, Faculty of Health Sciences
Almost a quarter of Lithuanian population resides in Western Lithuania. Climate and nature, shaped by the sea and its demand created there exceptional conditions for leisure time and recovery of good health, so many resources of recreation and rehabilitation are concentrated in this region. Health protection related infrastructure is perfectly developed there. This enables to actively develop activities in leisure time and health improvement. Achievement of good results in this sphere is impossible without a huge number of high qualification experts and practitioners. After upstart of academic studies in Klaipėda discussions about possibility to train them locally began. This idea was actively supported by professor Stasys Vaitekūnas, then rector of Klaipėda University. However, it was not easy to start this in a newly established university without necessary material resources for medical studies. Search for new opportunities and possibilities, rally of potential of all interested people and institutions in the region was a necessary precondition for implementation of this idea.
Over 1200 students are presently learning in 14 study programmes of 6 departments. All these students as well as 102 lecturers (professors, associate professors, researchers and operating personnel) are united by one common mission – training of highly qualified experts and practitioners, satisfying personal and social demands for health improving service, providing this service and implementing scientific research activity for improvement and protection of health. Every attempt is focused on the major objective – to turn the faculty of Health Sciences into modern, locally and internationally recognized and integrated higher school, where educational process is closely related to scientific researches and practical activities in the sphere of health protection.
The Faculty will implement the clinical trial approach and measure as partner in the clinical trail network.