Partner 2
Pomeranian Medical University
Szczecin, Poland
Połabska 4
70-115 Szczecin
Prof. Lubinski and his team at the Pomeranian Medical University (PUM) Szczecin ar leading the genetic cancer efforts in Poland and internationally. In 1992 they created the first hereditary cancer center in Poland. It sets up and manages a large registry of DNA samples and clinical data, develops basic and applied research on genetic factors affecting most common forms of cancer, and operates out-patient detection and early treatment activities. Based on this excellence Read Gene SA was founded in 2005, the first life science company in Szczecin. A life science service center is missing in Szczecin to stimulate crossborder cooperation for the development of KBBE. PUM will benefit from the expertise of KU and BCV to expand the access to cooperation partners. PUM main task in the project is the management of component 2 and involvement in components 3 and 5. PUM has been active
in several EU funded projects and has acquired expertise in international project management.